Skiing like zombies

Today we covered even more terrain than yesterday, starting the day working on the first and base component of skiing: stance and balance. We were introduced to a stance and balance exercise to help beginners (and people like us with sloppy technique) to keep perfectly balanced. To maintain good lateral balance a skiier’s elbows must be infront of their body, then their arms must stay down and not flail up with each turn. In order to make this happen we were made to ski keeping our pole tips touching the floor at all times, meaning that on steeper terrain we were forced to lean downhill instead of the natural temptation to lean uphill – making our skiing easier and ALOT more stable.
The afternoon consisted in shoots and bowls and “narly, adventurous skiing” on steep, off piste, trees, and powder terrain, allowing us to put our new stability to good use!


Literally so shocked at how tired we all our this evening – the skiing is really taking it out of us!! Spent the evening watching a film and it’s now half 10 and everyone is in bed… Obviously we do need to be refreshed for tomorrow!
Another exhausting but great day.

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