Today after some more intense edging and carving practise and training we skiied down to the bottom of Jersey Cream and Glacier chair lifts to see a massive blow up air bag underneath a huge jump!
The whistler kids freestyle team were using the airbag for a tv interview an demonstrating their awesome skills! 7 and 8 year olds were straightlining down steep slopes and flipping and spinning and landing on the blow up mat. After a lot of jumping and practising, their key freestyler – a small 16 year old – made a big entrance by skiing the mogul run and taking off the actual jump next to the airbag, completing a triple back flip spin with twist and landing it just in time to hear us watching, the restaurant AND everyone on the chairlifts above take a big cheer.
By 3 o’clock we were exhausted!!! And headed straight home to relax before visiting Squamish, a local village where most of the Whistler locals actually live.
Obviously once again I am looking forward to what tomorrow has to offer!!